We feel that His House at WMU is an ideal place to focus on training students to become disciple-makers. Ben Andrews (Campus Minister at WMU) is leading His House’s apprenticeship program—a 9-month-long program in which recent graduates work full-time in campus ministry, learning how to live a lifestyle of making disciples. This coming year there will be four apprentices at WMU.  

We get the privilege of leading students to Jesus and training them up to lead others to Jesus. Just a few years ago, Jake showed up at His House eager to follow Jesus, but needing to deepen his faith. Trevor and Ben loved him well and gave him opportunities to grow, like participating in our summer discipleship program at Cedar Point. As Jake understood his own and others’ deep need for Jesus, he began to meet with Raj, a student from India. Raj then committed his life to Jesus and was baptized in 2021. Jake became an apprentice later that year and then a campus minister with His House in 2022. Raj saw what it looked like to make disciples and wanted to make that a central part of his life too, so he will be an apprentice this coming year!  

Ben and Trevor and Jake and Raj and others need financial help so that they can continue to make disciples who make disciples—they work full-time with His House.   

We have created a fund for this purpose—the WMU Alumni Challenge fund—so that alumni and others excited about furthering this disciple-making mission at WMU can financially support the staff serving there. Can you help?  Thank you for your gift!