First Name
Last Name
Your Email Address
Please choose the campus at which you will be a resident.
Rental Terms - CMU
Central Michigan - Your lease begins August 18, 2024 and ends May 9, 2025. Your rent will be $3,080 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 15th of each month in the amount of $385.00, for eight months (Aug.-Nov., Jan-Apr.). By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - FSU
Ferris State - Your rental lease begins August 16, 2024 and ends in May 14, 2025. Your rent will be $3,690* for the year. Rent will be collected on the 1st of each month (September - May) in the amount of $410.00, for 9 months. By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed. *If you would like to pay the full sum, there is a $100 discount, for a total of $3,590. Please note that you would like to pay in a lump sum in the comments.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - LSSU
Lake State - Your lease begins August 19, 2024 and goes through May 4, 2025. Your rent will be $2,400 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 1st of each month in the amount of $300.00, for eight months (Sept.-Apr.). By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - MSU
Michigan State University - Your rental lease begins August 15, 2024 and ends May 14, 2025. Your rent will be $3,195 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 15th of each month in the amount of $355.00, for nine months (Aug.-Apr.). By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - MTU
Michigan Tech - Your lease begins August 15, 2023 and ends May 14, 2024. Rent will be $3,150.00 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 15th of each month in the amount of $350.00 for nine months (Aug.-Apr.). By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the verbal rental agreement you agreed to with your campus minister.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - NMU
Northern Michigan University - Northern Michigan University - Your rental lease begins August 15, 2024 and ends May 15, 2025. Your rent will be $3,375 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 15th of each month in the amount of $375.00, for nine months. By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - UM
University of Michigan - Your rental lease begins Sept. 1, 2024 and ends April 30, 2025. Your rent will be $4,200 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 1st of each month in the amount of $525.00, for eight months (Sept.-Apr.). By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Rental Terms - WMU
Western Michigan - Your lease begins August 21, 2024 and ends April 30, 2025. Rent will be $3,264 for the year. Rent will be collected on the 1st of each month in the amount of $408.00, for eight months (Sept.-Apr.). By selecting "Yes, I agree" above, you give us permission to collect the rent amount from your account on the day displayed here and in the rental agreement you signed. *If you would like to pay for the semester, please note that in the comments.
Yes, I agree to these rental terms.
Which semester will you be moving into the house?
Fall 2024 (August/September)
Spring 2025 (January)
Summer 2024 (May/June)
Comments or Questions