What We Believe

His House is a Bible-based ministry.  We believe the original manuscripts of the Bible are perfect, inerrant, written Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16).  While we come from a variety of locations, backgrounds, and beliefs, we are convinced that studying the Bible together can actually bring us closer together and closer to the God who authored it (Isaiah 55:11).  Therefore, we strive to base our beliefs on what the Bible actually says.  We encourage students to pursue the truth of Scripture, to question and check common teachings and concepts against it, and to bring their life in line with it.

We believe that God is both holy and loving.  His perfect holiness brings wrath against sin and punishment for it.  This punishment is spiritual death and an eternity separated from God’s presence.  However, God’s perfect love brings both mercy and grace-God himself paid our penalty by sending Jesus to take our punishment.  None of us can earn God’s forgiveness and we certainly don’t deserve it.  Still, He loves us and freely offers His forgiveness to anyone who will accept His gift (1 Corinth. 15:1-8John 3:161 Peter 3:18).

Students must:

  • hear the Good news about Jesus ( 10:17)

  • believe in Jesus (Mark 16:16)

  • repent of sin and turn to God (Acts 17: 30-31)

  • confess that Jesus is Lord ( 8:8-10)

  • be baptized in Christ (Acts 2:37-38)

  • and continue to pursue a relationship with God by studying His Word, praying, taking communion, and to fellowship with other believers (Acts 2:42)

  • His House Christian Fellowship was founded at Michigan State University in 1969.  Over the last 49 years it has expanded to eleven other state universities across Michigan and impacted many ministries outside the state.  His House began at Ferris State University in 1987 and the Robey’s came to Ferris in 1997.

  • In June of 1989, the first campus house was purchased at Ferris, where male students lived together just one block from campus. It quickly became a student center for fellowship meetings, small group Bible studies and social activities.  Students are encouraged to come to the houses at any time to meet with friends and hang out; it also houses Mitch’s office.  A second campus house was purchased next door in May of 1991, where women students live.

  • Since 1997 our staff has grown from one to four full-time staff while student involvement has grown from twelve to hundreds.  We are excited to see what God will do in the years to come!


The mission of His House Christian Fellowship at FSU is to carry out the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20) on campus and to be the people God wants us to be.

Our daily vision is:

  • to be a fully-functioning body of Christ on the campus of Ferris State University

  • to mold non-believers into believers, and to mold believers into disciples

  • to send alumni out to continue serving God in ministries and churches around the world.

Our long-term vision is:

  • for God to provide additional staff so that His ministry at Ferris can steadily grow

  • to reach an increasing number of Ferris students with the gospel each year


Campus is a unique place, with a diverse culture, made up of students with various backgrounds from around the world.  Caught between youth and adult, high school student and full-time career, students find themselves suddenly taken away from the safety and familiarity of home and surrounded by strangers and strange ways.  They find themselves in the midst of great freedom, great temptation, and great opportunity to make a difference.  This is the place where students make decisions of their own, decisions that will shape the rest of their lives and we hope, decisions that will impact the rest of the world when the leave campus.  This is why we are here.

Campus ministry can be effective at local, state, national and global levels.  However, to minister most effectively, we must reach individuals one on one.  Though we have been here for over 15 years and our fellowship has grown from 12 to hundreds, our mission remains the same-to share the grace of Jesus Christ with individuals, to baptize them, and to teach them to obey all he has commanded (Matthew 28:16-20). We trust He will impact many-one by one.

Campus ministry includes four major areas.

1) Students are taught about God and how to know Him better.
2) Students are given opportunities to build healthy relationships through activities at our campus houses.
3) Students are encouraged to grow on a personal level through small group Bible Studies, retreats, service projects and mission trips.
4) All these things are brought together in the last area where students are challenged and given the opportunity to serve their peers by taking on their own volunteer position within the campus ministry or the community.

Contact Us

526 S. Michigan Ave Big Rapids, MI 49307




E-mail: fsuhishouse@hhcf.org